Posts Tagged ‘fear’
Are You Stuck in the Middle?
It’s no accident that Dante began The Inferno, his allegorical journey through Hell, “Midway upon the journey of life / I found myself within a forest dark”. In…
Read MoreConfront Your Duck
We all complain. Your puppy pees on the carpet for the umpteenth time. Your favorite series airs its final episode. Your laptop crashes and the repair technician…
Read MoreLove is letting go of fear
Do you remember learning to swim or ride a bike? The terrifying moments of crippling fear where you swore you’d drown or fall off the bike to your peril?…
Read MoreThe Open-Hearted Truth Teller
“You know what we’re going to put you in?” she said. My eyes rolled back in my head at the tangible excitement in her voice. I knew that…
Read MoreThis is Spiritual Design
Long ago, the Buddha was speaking in a small town, sharing what he’d learned about freedom from suffering, when a woman suddenly rushed up to him holding the…
Read MoreThe Lies We Tell
You’re on the verge of breaking every day and it’s not healthy. Even worse, you’re defending it. You’re defending your own mental health and stability – do you think…
Read MoreStanding in the middle of all this
Life continually moves through contrasts – rise and fall, success and failure, loss and gain, acceptance and blame. In these moments it’s difficult, if not near-impossible, to keep a…
Read MoreTake a Leap
A part of you is ready. And a part of you is not. This is the essential disposition of any person who’s wanting to trust the universe.…
Read MoreWhen it’s time to leave what you’re up against
I could have also titled this post, When you know what you want to do but are told that you have to choose one path and you have to…
Read MoreHonor Your Dark
For a while now I’ve had a vision of what it is I want – where it is I want to go in various areas of my life from…
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