It’s Brave to Put Yourself Out There
Two months ago, I was given the wild opportunity to take a fitness format I created and teach it at a club level at the Life Time Ardmore club. Out…
Read MoreYou Are Exactly Where You Are Meant To Be
You are exactly where you are meant to be. It’s one of the 7 axioms of yoga, or great universal teachings, and when I first heard it in my 200…
Read MoreYou have more substance than numbers
“We think we’re made of numbers: percentages on tests, pounds on a scale, likes on a photo, price tags on clothes…but we’re not. We’re made of love, happiness and the…
Read MoreHow is your heart today?
I’ve been thinking a lot about my heart and how it feels these days. I’ve been doing a lot of feeling as I navigate the waves of grief. And I’ve…
Read MoreThe Two Kinds of Grief
Have you ever experienced a phone call or text that instantly shook you to your core? On Sunday morning, I woke up to a text telling me that my teacher,…
Read MoreThe Thing We’re After, Isn’t The Thing Itself
I don’t know about you, but for me, the end of the year can sometimes feel like a pressure cooker. There’s this sense of urgency of finishing things before the…
Read MoreTeaching Beyond the Physical
I remember my first yoga class like it was yesterday. This was years before I’d step into the yoga studio at Life Time Mount Laurel, years before I’d go through…
Read MoreI need your help
I need your help. Four little words I never want to utter…but here I am, asking for your help. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been a ‘I don’t…
Read MoreHindsight is 20/20 : looking back so we can move forward
There’s an old saying that goes, Hindsight is 20/20 and surely we’d all agree that it’s far easier to understand something after it has already happened –after we have lived…
Read MoreAre You in a FFT?
The other day as Mike and I were sitting on the couch watching the news, we happened to catch each other’s eyes and had one of those soul eye gazing…
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